WDI Toolbox:

Target Audience Discovery

We help increase your leads and sales by identifying your target audience, and connecting to them in ways that most resonate with them.

(It's like talking to your teenager and they actually listen!)

What you'll get:

  • Target Audience Report

Ever felt like you were trying to connect with someone who wasn’t listening?

That’s exactly what happens when your website doesn’t resonate, connect or speak to your target audience.

What exactly is your “target audience”?

A target audience refers to the specific group of people or demographic that your product, service, message, or piece of content is intended to reach and connect with.

They can be defined by various factors, including age, gender, income level, geographic location, interests, values, and more!

Why is identifying your target audience so important?

By understanding the characteristics, preferences, behaviors, and needs of your unique audience, you can tailor your content, images, and overall look-and-feel of your website to better connect with and appeal to them – and ultimately have a higher chance of getting more leads and sales.

What happens if you don’t know who your target audience is?

If you don’t know your target audience, then your website is speaking to the masses. You have less of a chance of speaking to the people that are actually going to bring you sales. In essence, you’re throwing your money away.

Goes without saying, identifying your target audience is mission critical!

Here are some of the benefits of effectively speaking to your target audience:

Crafting website content tailored to your target audience ensures your message and brand resonates with them. This personalization creates a stronger connection AND engages visitors, as they feel the content speaks directly to their needs and interests. Win!

Visitors are more likely to navigate through your website, find relevant information, and stay longer. This contributes to some called a “lower bounce rate” which means they stay on your site and don’t “bounce” of it because they couldn’t find that they were looking for.

This is another techie term, but conversation rate refers to “converting” people into your desired action, and in this case it’s either calling you or contacting you through your contact form, with the ultimate conversion rate of turning leads into sales.

We can help increase your sales by tailoring content to your audience’s needs and pain points, increasing the likelihood of converting your visitors into customers.

By addressing their specific challenges and providing awesome solutions, you create a compelling reason for them to take action!

You want to be the expert and authority in your industry – and dominate your competition. When your content demonstrates an in-depth understanding of your target audience’s industry or interests, it positions your brand as an authority.

This expertise builds trust and credibility (and kudos!), making visitors more inclined to trust your products, services, or recommendations.

Boring! But super important.

(Aren’t you glad we can take care of this for you!)

Part of SEO is to naturally incorporate your audiences relevant search terms, keywords and behaviors. This boosts your SEO, which makes search engines want to rank you higher, resulting in more leads and sales.

No one wants a virus – unless it’s some kind of content you’ve created that spread through the internet and brings a lot of traffic back your way!

Content we create for you that resonates with your target audience is more likely to be shared on social media platforms.

This sharing not only increases your content’s reach (how many places it appears around the web) but also exposes your brand to a wider audience, potentially attracting more visitors who fit into your target demographic (your target audience).

Anyone want to save some more money? I see a hand in the front row!

By making sure your content is completely tailored to your specific audience, you optimize your marketing efforts. This targeted approach reduces wasted financial and time resources on content that may not resonate with your core audience, ultimately leading to more cost-effective marketing strategies.

Now, take that extra money and go on that dream vacation 🙂

Consistently delivering valuable, targeted content fosters loyalty among your audience.

Satisfied customers are more likely to “boast your brand”, promoting your products or services to their friends and family, and bring them to your website. More motivated visitors = increase sales.

Putting it all together, making sure you know who your target audience is, and that your website is speaking to them specifically, will give you the highest chance of connecting with your audience to help increase your sales.

Now that you understand the concepts, you don’t have to worry about figuring out how to do it. We’re here to help!

This tool is used in the following products to help you get more leads and sales

I want to add blogs to my website so I can attract more traffic to get more leads and sales

I want to add blogs to my website so I can attract more traffic to get more leads and sales